Why choose
Valios Capital to Invest?

  1. Consolidated Experience: With more than 10 years of experience in the US real estate market, Valios Capital has a solid and proven track record of success in real estate investments.
  2. Efficient management: The company stands out for its performance in investment management, ensuring that its capital is managed effectively and with a focus on maximizing returns.
  3. Security and Transparency: We offer a secure approach with total visibility and control of processes, allowing you to monitor and understand the progress of your investments.
  4. Geographical diversification: We operate in several US states, providing geographical diversification, reducing risks and expanding income opportunities.
  5. Strong currency: Investing in US real estate means receiving income in dollars, the world’s strongest currency, which can add value to your investment portfolio.
  6. Strategic Partnerships: We work in collaboration with partners and investors to maximize returns, benefiting from a robust network of strategic partnerships that can open up new investment opportunities.
  7. Proactive and Innovative Approach: We strive to use proactive and innovative approaches to identify and capitalize on opportunities in the real estate market, staying ahead of industry trends and challenges.

These qualities make Valios Capital an attractive option for investors looking for security, transparency and growth potential in the US real estate market.

Dream Team Valios Capital

Who are the minds behind the results?

Luiz Gustavo

Chief Executive Officer

Graduation: Graduated in Financial Business and Administration, with a specialization in Construction Financial Management, from Columbia University, NY.

Expertise: With more than 15 years in the Real Estate business, Luiz Gustavo is recognized for his leadership in large-scale projects, including condominiums, hotels and high-end residences in Florida and Texas. His expertise includes strategic management and the implementation of innovative solutions.

Leadership: As CEO, Luiz Gustavo leads the strategy and management of real estate funds, ensuring the implementation of innovative and sustainable practices and the delivery of exceptional results for investors.

Claudio Garcia

Chief Administrative Officer

Expertise: 29 years in the financial market, starting in Brazil with large financial institutions and expanding to the United States since 2016.

Position: As a Valios Capital's CAO, Claudio manages the sales process and leads the training of agents, ensuring efficient onboarding of investors into the funds managed by the company.

International performance: Focused on financial and real estate solutions that promote growth and asset protection for clients in Brazil and the United States.

Johnny Toledo

Chief Operating Officer

Expertise: Businessman and architect since 2005, specializing in high-end construction and with a family tradition in the real estate market. He has designed and built more than 5,000 sqft. of projects.

Methodology: He has developed an efficient and sustainable process for managing construction work in various building systems.

Activities: Manages Valios Capital projects in the USA and Brazil, ensuring high standards of aesthetic and construction quality.

Position: As COO of Valios Capital, he leads the execution of projects, coordinating teams and supervising all phases to ensure efficiency, sustainability and innovation.

Raul Nogueira

Chief Financial Officer

Graduation: He is a marketing graduate, specializing in business management and financial markets.

International performance: He specialized in Financial Markets at Yale University and has an active license in more than 20 American states.

Position: As CFO of Valios Capital, Raul is responsible for the company's financial management, leading market analysis and acting strategically in asset multiplication and equity distribution.

Professional Focus: He is dedicated to helping hundreds of people undertake, invest and create wealth in the world's largest economy, drawing on his vast experience in the financial market and entrepreneurship.

Unique funds
Valios Capital

We offer a portfolio distributed over 3 fund models, seeking to bring the best results for our investors, respecting the time, profile and financial ambition of each one.

Growth Fund

Investor Profile:

Perfect for investors who want to multiply their profits with calculated risk and achieve financial stability by multiplying their investments.


Short term vs. High Profitability


From 18 to 24 months


From 12% per year*

Income Fund

Investor Profile:

Ideal for strategic investors who's seeking financial stability through passive income and equity growth with real estate profits, willing to take calculated risks and focused on profitability.


Recurring profit + Property as collateral


48 months minimum


12% of ROI + Property appreciation*


Investor Profile:

Perfect for ordinary investors, accredited investors and family offices, the strategic fund offers a diversified and agile portfolio, adapting quickly to market conditions to maximize returns and efficiency in asset management.


Maximization + Diversification + Agility


Minimum length of stay: 24 months


From 8% per year

How to get started

Invest in any of our funds in 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Click on the button
"OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT" in the top menu
Step2: Fill up the form to register on our platform
Step 3: You'll receive an e-mail with further instructions about your registration

4 reasons for investing
with Valios Capital

We work with the best industry to provide the best possible results for our investors, each one suited to the ideal profile of each investor.

to invest

We understand how difficult it may be to find the right investment solutions that create a steady passive income.

Our experienced professionals can advise you on how do we invest in Real Estate and how do we build a portfolio that allows you to make a significant profit.

Results and

Invest in carefully selected real estate deals, designed to create the financial future you dream of.

Enjoy truly passive income. Discover the peace and confidence of knowing that your financial future is secure. Our hard work has led us to produce tangible results.


You are at the top of your career and want to focus on your business while maximizing the growth of your portfolio without taking you away from the work and life you love.

See how our real estate investment strategies keep your assets growing without adding more stress to your life. Our professional team will present you the best investment solutions.


Are you planning to retire and want to make the most of that time, but you’re worried that rising costs will often keep you away from doing what you love? Real estate investments are reliable. Our solutions allow you to create a stable cash flow to increase your earnings and eliminate stress about your finances in retirement.

The Investor's Blog

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